FRIDAY 11/14/14


I’ve been asked to get people to volunteer to help with collecting cash and directing cars for this Friday night.
• Approx. 15-20 people are needed to make this happen seamlessly.
• You must be an adult to collect the parking fee.
Bottom line you: we have many outstanding bills to be paid and we have been given this opportunity to collect parking fees for the game and 100% of it goes to the Football Program.
I will send a follow up email to all so you may reply individually so I can keep a tally – this is big and we really need you.
Call your family members to help, some of you have been very quiet during this season and perhaps this is an opportunity to you can’t resist – so join this opportunity, this is a fundraising event! The parking attendants should be at assigned stations by 5:30/5:45 – the stations will be assigned once you check in. Details will follow once you volunteer.
What I’m hoping for is emails expressing –“I can help, where do you need me, what are the details, I can also get my Uncle, and etc..” this is what we need to hear.
Wearables Station:
• 5-6 people must man this station at all times – this has been the sleeper money maker, help there as well

Please email

Thank you for all you do…

Beth Collins